Thursday, September 27, 2007


I was severely bored in class this week. As my instructor was going through a powerpoint presentation that was also available on blackboard I decided not to listen and instead write my service report that is due tomorrow for my other class. I was particularly irritated because it was Garrett's birthday and I felt my time was being wasted when I could have been celebrating the day of my boyfriend's birth, by far the more important event of the day. At least I was able to manage my time so it wasn't a complete waste. Having a computer that picks up the school's wifi is a fantastic thing.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


It always amazes me when librarians are disorganized. Part of the job is a certain level of organization at least in their professional life in order to be good at their job, for instance, being able to find a book because it is in the correct place. It seems my Intro to Library Science instructor missed that piece of information when getting his MLIS. The class this week was all over the place, he was randomly searching the internet to find examples of things for us (the computer being hooked up to a projector so we could all see his meandering), and the lecture -- what little of it there was confused more than enlightened me. Perhaps he is the opposite of if you can't do, teach; he can't teach maybe he can do but I really don't know. Right now I am learning what not to do.

I am just going to do what I have to do and remind myself that I just have to get through it and its only 12 classes before graduation.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

First Week

I have officially finished my first week of library school and I feel I am off to a good start. I have to say after doing my undergrad work this actually seems kind of easy. In my Intro to Library Science class we are assigned an 8 page final paper. My professor called it a "big paper" and I couldn't help but laugh. My first history term paper four years ago was 20 pages, and the semester after that I had three 10 page papers all due within days of each other. Eight pages for this paper and 6 for my other class is really easy.

I was nervous before I started but now I can say with relative confidence that I will do just fine. Also I may be getting an internship/volunteer position soon, more on that when I know more.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

First Day

This weekend was my first day of class. My bizarre weekend class meets three weekends throughout the semester for 8 hours at a time. It was an intense weekend and now my brain is mushy.

The class is a reference class that covers both print and online sources. While sitting in class and being instructed on how to search the library's online catalog for books as well as using online databases I grew frustrated because these were systems I had already learned to use during my undergrad career. I realized that there really needs to be two separate classes for reference services. One for the "mature" student is going back to school after many years away and one for the student who recently finished their undergrad or another master's program. Having two separate classes that better fit the needs of the students would be more beneficial to our studies. To be honest there is little I know about print resources because of the emphasis of online sources during my high school and college education. It would be more advantageous if I were spending time learning about these instead of reviewing information about online resources that I have known about for a long time.

It is not a bad class on a whole but I think when it is presented in this format the days are very long and you just get bored and antsy. Yet at the same time this is a great option for people with tight schedules.

More updates in a few days after my Intro to Library and Information Science class

Friday, September 7, 2007

Day Before Class

Tomorrow is my first day of class, today I went to campus to get i.d. card, parking permit and last textbook that I need. Roaming around campus and getting lost made me appreciate the simplicity of my undergraduate campus for the first time. It was an ugly campus, very industrial but it had a symmetry that made it easy to find where you needed to go with clearly marked buildings. The new campus is much smaller but less organized and I got a bit turned around while there. But this was good because I now know where my classes are and where the parking lot is which will make tomorrow all the easier.

I got home and finally accessed my campus email address which was good because I have five chapters to read for this weekend and two handouts. I was also able to access the powerpoint presentations and syllabus. I am feeling prepared, slightly excited and a little nervous.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Visit to Special Library

Today I visited a special library. These tend to fall into two categories small and organized or completely disorganized and scary, sadly this was the latter.

I had high hopes for this library, I had wanted to volunteer there since it's interests and mine match well and they run on an entirely volunteer staff. I figured this would be a good way for me to get some additional experience in a library without the hassle of having "experience". So I decided to check it out and see if it would fit my needs.

I am very glad I did this instead of immediately deciding to volunteer without checking it out. Here is what I observed:

  • the smell, there was a distinct odor of rotting books and a need to clean
  • the man eating behind the desk, this could have contributed to the smell
  • clutter and disorganization, there were piles of books everywhere and the ones on the shelves were difficult to get to, also many computers that had no purpose
  • volunteers were not properly identified as staff
  • book sale being organized while open, random books that were not for public use and not properly labeled
  • scary and outdated displays
  • expensive benefit tickets starting at $250
All of this contributed to my not wanting to volunteer there. In reality they could benefit from my help but I feel that they would not be receptive to it.

If I were running the library this is what I would do
  • get dehumidifier and cleaning crew in to fix smell problem
  • no eating at the desk, that is what a break room is for
  • reorganize material so it is accessible, also get rid of multiple copies of books, no need to have three copies of same text
  • volunteers should have name tags or buttons saying "I work here" or something like that
  • organize book sale after hours so that patrons are not confused
  • displays must be reorganized to promote community in a positive and up to date way, posters from the 1980's while having a historical value should be put into perspective of the current issues
  • library benefit tickets should be affordable for all those in the community and should have a starting donation of $50 or $100 instead of $250 and up
I believe I will write to this library and let them know how I feel. I think they need to be awakened to the possibility that even though they have been around for 20 years they need to update.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Library Internship

I applied for a library internship at a suburban library. The position was for a children's literacy aid, developing programs and storytimes for children. Realistically I knew that I didn't have time for it but thought I should at least apply and maybe interview.

Sadly I was informed by this library that as a Certified Professional Governess and as a library school student I did not have enough experience for the internship. There were other applicants that had more experience in libraries and with groups of children. The funny part is that if I need experience to get the internship how am I supposed to get the experience. That is the whole point of internships.

I am not entirely bothered by this, there is a volunteer based library in the city that I am going to try to work at in my spare time. I have a feeling they will be more receptive.