Sunday, November 25, 2007

Wrapping up

I was finally able to register for next semester's classes. Luckily I was able to get the classes I wanted especially considering there was a hold on my registration since the school did not have my final transcripts from my previous school. Would have been easier for them to tell me I needed those about 5 months ago since they only gave me a week to get those to the registrar. Oh well I always expected idiocy when it comes to university bureaucracy.

Hopefully I will soon be starting an internship/volunteer type of thing too. There was a point recently when I realized that the problem I was having with my classes is that they didn't make me feel like a librarian. Actually working in a library would help fix that feeling I was having.

I should be working on final assignments right now but I am listening to Smodcast and writing this instead.

1 comment:

Trude said...

That's school bureaucracy for ya. But at least you're almost at the end! :)