Wednesday, September 19, 2007


It always amazes me when librarians are disorganized. Part of the job is a certain level of organization at least in their professional life in order to be good at their job, for instance, being able to find a book because it is in the correct place. It seems my Intro to Library Science instructor missed that piece of information when getting his MLIS. The class this week was all over the place, he was randomly searching the internet to find examples of things for us (the computer being hooked up to a projector so we could all see his meandering), and the lecture -- what little of it there was confused more than enlightened me. Perhaps he is the opposite of if you can't do, teach; he can't teach maybe he can do but I really don't know. Right now I am learning what not to do.

I am just going to do what I have to do and remind myself that I just have to get through it and its only 12 classes before graduation.

1 comment:

Trude said...

Wow I'm surprised you didn't throw a book at him or something!! :) Sounds like he has a problem with competency, because if he was capable he would've been totally prepared before he came to class. I hate when people waste your time like that!